الخميس، 16 نوفمبر 2017



Morocco was full of flavors that were new to us. 
Moroccan dishes are influenced by Berber, Jewish, Arab, and French cultures. We’ve put together a list of foods we think is worth trying while visiting Morocco.
21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try.


1. Tagine

We had tagine multiple times while in Morocco. It’s a clay cooking pot with a conical lid with multiple types of dishes slow cooked inside (beef, lamb, chicken, veggies, etc). You can get it anywhere (a roadside stop, cafés, nicer restaurants to name a few places).
Tagine Morocco (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).Tagine Morocco (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

2. Couscous

Couscous is originally from Morocco and typically served with meat or vegetable stew. Traditionally it’s prepared on the Muslim holy day (Friday) and for special occasions, but you can find it at most restaurants and cafes.
Moroccan Couscous (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

3. Zaalouk

Zaalouk is a common side dish and typically served with crusty bread. It’s a spread made with eggplants, tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and spices.
Zaalouk (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

4. Fish Chermoula

Chermoula is a mix of herbs and spices used when grilling or baking fish and seafood. Depending on the mix, you’ll get flavors of onion, coriander, chili peppers, or saffron. Often times you’ll see it as a dipping sauce too!
Fish Chermoula (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

5. Harira

This is basically a Moroccan lentil soup usually served as a starter or used during Ramadan to break the fast at dusk.
Harira (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

6. Pastilla (Chicken or Pigeon Pie)

If you love the mix of sweet and salty flavors than you definitely need to try pastille. This flaky pie is traditionally made with pigeon, but more commonly served with chicken now.
Chicken or Pigeon Pastilla (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

7. Makouda

Who doesn’t love deep-fried foods? Makouda is a deep-fried potato ball dipped in spicy sauce and definitely a street food staple.

8. Khobz

This crusty bread is typically baked in communal wood-fired ovens and served with a lot of meals. Also, be sure to check out all the other breads in Morocco, like the harcha (a buttery bread), rghaif (a flaky flat bread), or baghira (spongy crumpet).

9. Steamed Sheep Head

During the festival of Eid al-Adha, everyone slaughters a sheep then steams the head for hours. You can typically purchase a half or whole head and enjoy it with cumin, salt, and chili. The whole head is edible, but the best parts are the tender cheek meat and tongue.
Steamed Sheep Head (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try).

10. Spicy Sardines

Morocco is the world’s largest exporter of sardines. Naturally, they also serve it all over the country. Stuffed and cooked with a spicy chermoula sauce, they deep fry the fish for a tasty snack.
Spicy Sardines Chermoula (Moroccan Food to Eat During Your Visit to Morocco).

11. Mint Tea

Everyone has his or her own version of mint tea, which is the drink of choice in Morocco. It’s a green tea base with lots of mint leaves and sugar.
Moroccan Mint Tea (21 Foods You Must Try in Morocco).

12. Bissara

Commonly served during breakfast, this is a rich and hearty soup made from dried fava beans. Typically it will be topped with fresh olive oil and a sprinkle of cumin.

13. Crumbed Liver

You can try this with a side of fries or in a sandwich, but the smooth and buttery calves’ livers is a delicious fried dish.

14. Brochettes

These tasty kebabs are rubbed in salt and spices and can be found in a lot of the markets. You can get chicken, lamb, or beef and the enormous clouds of smoke make for great photos.
Brochettes (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try When Visiting Morocco).

15. Eggplant Fritters

Aubergine, or eggplant, is common in a few different dishes in Morocco, but be sure to try the fritters. They slice the eggplant then dip them in a paprika batter before deep-frying them for a delicious side dish.

16. Snail Soup

Snail soup can be found all over Morocco. Use a toothpick to pick out the snails from the shells then slurp up to the soup. Locals believe the broth is good for digestion and fever.
Moroccan Snail Soup (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try While Visiting Morocco).

17. Stuffed Camel Spleen

Taking on the form of a sausage, stuff camel spleen is soft and creamy. It’s usually filled with beef or lamb, olives, spices, and a bit of hump fat. It’s typically served in a sandwich.

18. Tanjia

Tanjia is named after the clay pot that it’s cooked in. It’s traditionally filled with chunks of beef or lamb and a bunch of spices, then slow cooked in the embers of a furnace.
Tanjia (21 Moroccan Foods You Must Try While in Morocco.

19. Kaab el Ghazal

Kaab el Ghazal, or gazelle horns, are crescent-shaped pastries have almond paste scented with orange flower water and cinnamon.
Kaab el Ghazal (21 Foods You Must Try in Morocco).

20. Briwat or Briouats

You can’t leave Morocco without having some of the delicious sweets! Briwat is a deep fried filo pastry in the shape of a triangle and filled with almonds.

21. Shebakia

Another delicious dessert, shebakia is a flower-shaped, fried sesame cookie dipped in honey. You’ll usually find bees all over them in the markets, and they just shoo them away before serving them to you. It’s all part of the experience.
Kaab el Ghazal (21 Foods You Must Try in Morocco).

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المطبخ المغربي

انضم المطبخ المغربي إلى قائمة التراث العالمي لمظمة اليونسكو من خلال حمية البحر الأبيض المتوسط الصحية، بالإشتراك مع إسبانيا – اليونان – إيطاليا – البرتغال وقبرص و كرواتيا،[1] فهو من بين المطابخ الشمال إفريقية والعربيّة والمتوسطية الجديرة بالمعرفة، التي تشتهر بأطباقها الجميلة ذات نّكهة خاصة، ويعتبر المطبخ المغربي من أكثر المطابخ تنوعا فيالعالم، ساعده في ذلك أنه مزيج من المطبخ المغاربي والمشرقي والأمازيغي والعربي والإفريقي والمتوسطي والأندلسي والصحراوي كما تأثر وأثر في المطبخ الأوربي في الفترات الحديثة. إذ يتوفر على خاصيات غذائية متميزة وغنية في هذا الإطار، منها اعتماد زيت الزيتون كمادة غذائية أساسية بالإضافة إلى توفره على شجر الأرغان واعتماد الخضروات والفواكه الجافةوالشاي في النظام الغذائي اليومي المنتمي لمواصفات حمية البحر الأبيض المتوسط. حيث يصنف من قبل بعض الإختصاصيين الأول عربياً وإفريقياً[2] والثالث عالميا.[3] [4][5]

وتأتي الحلويات كموضع زينة التاج على حلقة المطبخ المغربي، فتحضيرها له طابع وأسلوب خاص في فن الطبخ،[6] وجل الاستخدام في فن صناعة الحلويات يكون من مادة اللوز والجوز و فستق العبيد ثم الشكولاطة وبعض البذور خاصة اليانسون والسمسم وبذور الكتان وتتنوع الأصناف والأشكال، مثل (كعب الغزال ـ الغريبة ـ الشباكية ـ البريوات).

وتناول الحلويات في المغرب له طقوس معينة فمن "إتيكيت" الترحيب، والتعبير عن الكرم، أن تدار كؤوس الشاي متبوعة بتشكيلة متنوعة من الحلويات المغربية التقليدية اللذيدة التي تحضر في الأعياد والأفراح وفي كل المناسبات.[7]

وهناك حفلات خاصة بالحلويات والشاي، تسمى "حفلة شاي"، إذ تقدم فيها أصناف وتشكيلات فنية متنوعة من الحلويات بمعية الشاي بنكهة "النعناع" أو "الشيبة" أو العطرشة المقدمة على صوان دائرية ومزخرفة، يتوسطها البراد المغربي ضمن تشكيلة أوان خاصة من كؤوس وأطباق مزخرفة بشكل جمالي متناسق، غالباً من الزجاج أو الفخار أو من معادن الحديد والفضة والنحاس.

Moroccan cuisine has long been one of the most

diverse cuisine in the world. This is due to

Morocco's interaction with the outside world for

centuries. Moroccan cuisine is a mix of Amazigh,

Arab, Maghreb, Middle Eastern,

Mediterranean and African cuisine.

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